5 poetic affirmations for re-centering love

Maureen Fitzgerald
2 min readJul 30, 2022
Columbia River Gorge

Let’s face it, this summer, these last few years, okay fine– this life is filled with peaks and valleys. One minute we’re embracing hot girl summer, the next we’re reopening our Canadian citizenship internet search… Rhythmic poetry, like music, helps me in these moments to stop my “whirlpool of a mind” and flow with the natural current of the Earth. These days, fear can feel like the default given the stories we hear on a rolling basis, so it is important that we intentionally disrupt those patterns and replace them with thoughts centered on love.

You are what you eat and this applies to the words you feed your spirit.

I’m sharing a few of mine from my book Good Girl : sound bites from an intimate revolution, but I encourage you to write your own, write them out in big bold markers and put them around your home, car, or as the background of your phone. Just make sure they’re somewhere you can easily see them and devour some consistent spiritual nourishment.



No longer the flower

But also the bee

I’m getting good

At nourishing me


Crawl out

from that place you’ve been hiding

where scarcity and lack line the walls

walk towards this celestial madness

and catch all the love that will fall


Home is a place

that exists beyond space

it sings through our bodies

in the theater of grace


These are the words

this is the verse

this is the love

to shatter my curse

This is the poem

this is the bell

this is the light

to shake me from hell

This is the hook

this is the tell

this is the light

that whispers a spell

this is the story

this is the verse

this is the moment

my love will disperse

this is the book

this is the verse

this is the birth

of a new universe


Envelop me like the

sun on the budding flower

I’ll catch you like water

with leaves stretched wide

seep into my roots

and call me to rise

Check out more of Maureen’s work, sign up for creative writing prompts visit at momofitz.com and on Instagram.



Maureen Fitzgerald

Poet, problem solver, teacher, athlete. Dreaming of new realities. momofitz.com.